Thursday, January 13, 2011

January birth complete Baby B_eautiful

So my second birth was a success for mom and dad.  They were very overjoyed with the experience which makes me extremely happy.

A short version of the long birth story :0)

It was boxing day when I got the call that baby was making her way into the world.  We met at the hospital because mom wanted to check to see how far along she was.  At that point she was only 1cm and had some time to go.  We returned home after picking up some pizza and contented to labour at home.   After a few hours we packed up the car and headed to the hospital again as mommy wanted to check the progress.  This time she was 2-3 CM and they offered her drugs.  I asked the nurse to give her some more time, maybe settle us into a room with a shower.  She looked annoyingly at me and gave it to us.

I can't imagine birthing on your own without a Doula and this isn't because I am one it is because I see the pressure out there for the instant fix.  You walk in and they pretty much tap your arm for the IV.  I am surprised they don't offer you a cocktail when you get to the parking garage.  Anyway a few hours later mom's progress wasn't moving along.  She took the epidural and tried to rest.  At this point she was both mentally and physically exhausted.

The next morning around 6am the doctors gave her some pitocin to speed up the labour and that is when the baby's heart rate started soaring up and down. They came into the room talked C-section and gave mom some time to continue to labour.  Mom was trying to sleep but I got her to take in deep breaths with each contraction *which she still was not feeling*.  After about 30 minutes baby's heart rate went back to normal and mom was able to continue as planned.  They backed off the pitocin to give mom more time in between contractions.  well not really mom more baby than mom.

Just before 11am Baby B came into the world with mom only having to push for 30 minutes.  She did an amazing job and was able to feel the urge to push because we got her to back off the epidural.  Mom, dad, grandma and me witnessed the birth of a beautiful baby girl weighing in at 6pounds 4 ounces.

Welcome to the world baby B ;0)