Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lending Library coming along

My Lending library has begun being built so far I have only a dozen or so books but it is a start.  It is amazing how much we need as a new doula.  So much to get so little money :0) isn't that the way it always is.  I put out a request for donations and so far the response has been great.  A few were purchased, but most came to me free.

It will take me forever to read every book but that is my intention.  I am even going to read the book most doulas do not like, what to expect when you are expecting.  I feel it is important to know what the rest of the world is reading and hearing about pregnancy and birth.

Here is the list

A Healthy Pregnancy
The Fussy Baby book
The complete book of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful
Spiritual Midwifery
What to expect when you're expecting
Moving beyond A.D.D. (this one more for parents who have other children)
Breastfeeding made simple
The Birth Partner 2nd and 3rd edition
Defining your own success Breast feeding after a reduction
Baby Talk
The mother of all pregnancy books
The baby name bible
Herbal for the childbearing years
the labour progress handbook

well that is it for now ciao