Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lamaze Teaching Skills workshop

Great time was had by all during the Lamaze Teaching Skills workshop.  It was held in Oshawa and really was an amazing learning experience.  I am signed up to the Douglas College Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program and am well on my way to becoming certified.  I look forward to the teaching career and the plans for our near future.

It has been a great winter full of joyous births.  All of the ones I attended were amazing to be part of.  The mothers were strong and the partners were so supportive.  I look forward to my next two.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, very sorry to say that I have had to cancel FO2011. However, the course schedule is set up so you can follow the activities by yourself so hopefully you'll still find things to do and learn :)
